Abandoned Hohara Elementary School

Drunkenly descending the tree-laden pathway down the mountain side, the pair made a split decision. "There's an abandoned school right in Hohara, you know," one of them said. The thought that there could actually be a haikyo ("high-kyo") close-by was exciting.  

Haikyo means an abandoned place or ruin in Japanese. It is also used to generally describe urban exploration. After a couple hours of drinking, someone suggested going for a short hike in a nearby woods. When the subject of creepy photos and possible hauntings came up, the pair jumped at the chance. "Let's go right now."
They hurried down the winding road to Hohara where the abandoned elementary school loomed. 


Hohara Elementary School opened in the Meiji Period on June 25, 1888. It was closed on March 31, 2014.
